Design Jam Workshop
A whole new way to ideate, validate, and implement huge changes in your business using design thinking and the power of a group.
You can finally get an answer to the persistent question you've been asking yourself and figure out your next steps.
If you're constantly asking yourself, "How do I stop being booked solid and burnt out?"

Or, "OMG, I need to pivot but what do I do next?"

Or, "My idea is too big. Where do I even start?"

Or our favorite, "I want to launch something new but have no idea what it should be or if my customers will like it. Gah!"

If any of these sound familiar, you should try a design jam workshop!

Join a group of 4-6 people to find your clarity and momentum and create a 6-month roadmap toward your new solution.

When: Wednesdays from 5:30pm to 7:30pm Pacific from October 16th to November 6th.
Where: Google Meet video calls
How much: $500
What is a design jam workshop?
A design jam combines the power of a small group of people (including you), adds in design thinking strategies that help you answer the big question that's been bugging you, and sprinkles in two facilitators (that's us) to make sure everyone gets the most out of the experience.

Design jams, like design sprints, are fast. Over the course of 4 short weeks, you'll move from stuck to clear sailing. I know that might sound crazy, but we've seen it happen over and over again.

Who is this workshop for?
This workshop is for anyone that feels stuck, like they're spinning their wheels, because they don't know what steps to take next.
Some past persistent questions that we've helped create action steps for include:
  • What should my new course/retreat/offering look like and will my customer even like it?
  • Where should I go next with my business?
  • How do I open a brick and mortar version of my business? Where do I even start?
  • Should I split my business in two and target two different customers?
  • How do I start a new business while keeping my old one running enough to pay all my bills?

What is the format?
We meet virtually as a group 4 times over the course of 4 weeks. Each virtual chat is 2 hours long and you'll participate in a variety of group activities (none of them physical 😝) to get the ideas flowing, particularly ones you've never considered before. The group will consist of 4-6 people plus 2 facilitators.

What will you get out of this?
This fun, virtual workshop will help you:
  • Identify your true business question. Often, it's not what you think it is.
  • Generate new ideas for solutions. Like, dozens and dozens of them.
  • Evaluate the solutions. Gut checks, future thinking, validation, we do it all!
  • Create a clear path forward. A sticky-note filled, 6-month roadmap for you to use.

That means in just 4 short weeks you'll go from facing what might seem like an impossible situation to knowing your next steps. Because what’s the point of lots of ideas if you don’t know how to implement them?

When is it?
Our next round will run Wednesdays from 5:30pm to 7:30pm Pacific from October 16th to November 6th.

How much is it?
$500. Knowing the answer to the question you've been asking yourself for months? Priceless.
Sound amazing? Join us for our next round.
Our Favorite Testimonial
What we'll focus on each meeting:
  • Define the Question
    We can't answer a question before we properly define it and ask ourselves, "Is this the right question to be solving?" That's why we'll kick the workshop off with interviews, avoiding solutions-based questions, to help you see the actual shape of your situation, the impact it's having on your business, and the restrictions that may or may not be in your way.
  • Ideation
    Now we can get into the fun stuff! As a group we'll come up with dozens of ideas for each person, moving quickly and thinking creatively. This is the session everyone loves the most. You'll leave with your brain buzzing.
  • Evaluation
    We'll look at your chosen idea from all angles, figuring out what your solution needs to include to help you reach your goal(s). This is where the group's business and life experiences help you think from a variety of viewpoints.
  • Road Mapping
    It's great to have lots of ideas and plans, but if you don't map out your steps, you'll keep spinning instead actually moving forward. As a group we'll help each other plan out the next few weeks/months. We'll organize our plans around effort levels too to make sure we can actually complete our plan.
Who We Are

Jeffrey and I have worked together for the past ten years and worn ALL the hats for our businesses. We've also tried dozens of design thinking strategies and picked our favorites for this course.

  • Jeffrey Opp
    Design Thinker, Future Thinker

    Jeffrey is all about the strategy. He loves frameworks and has a special talent for seeing the true 'problem' people dance around. He currently works at the University of Oregon as the graphic designer for Advancement and the Alumni Association.

  • Megan Eckman
    Customer Experience Designer, Brand Strategist

    Megan is all about the crazy ideas and connecting people. She loves asking, "Why not?" and pushes people to think beyond their limiting beliefs. She currently works for herself as a brand strategist and customer experience designer.

  • "Working with a group helped me with seeing a different perspective to my problem. It also helps me feel less alone and reminds me there are other people who can help or empathize with my situation. I'm looking forward to solving the problem now instead of feeling scared of having a problem."
    Sophia Miller
  • "It was amazing how much it helped having totally fresh eyes on my problem. I got some strong validation because these people do not have anything to do with my world and they understood the vision. I got some very creative suggestions and ideas that have helped me move forward on new pathways."
    Mary Williams
    Owner of Sensible Woo
  • "It made me realize that I can make my work exciting AND prosperous again, not just tolerable and prosperous."
    Jenny Foss
    Founder of Job Jenny
  • "I have more clarity about potential solutions that are beyond what I would have thought of on my own."
    Ashlan Glazier-Anderson
    CEO and founder of Ashbean PDX
Ready to get some direction and motivation?
Join us for our next round.
Whether you're thinking of adding a course component to your business, want to figure out the best way to start a second business, or have the dream of opening a luxury recording studio in your city, this workshop is for you.

And I can say that with certainty because those are exactly the types of questions we've helped people work through in our workshop.

But if you're not sure if this workshop will help you, please reach out via my contact form or email me at and share what you're facing. I always give my honest opinion on whether something is a good fit because some problems are best suited to other workshops.
Want to take part in a future round?
Join our mailing list to be the first to know about the next round of the Design Jam.