You've invested time and money into your business. (Plus tears and sweat and 800 pounds of coffee beans, right?) Considering that giant investment, wouldn't it be nice to make sure you've set yourself up for success?
Wouldn't you like to know if your website encourages customers to put items into their cart? And that your copy answers all the questions a customer might have? Or that your event page gets everyone super excited AND lets them know what time things start?
When it comes to these questions, I don't mess around with 'this might a problem.' Through UX testing, I let your customers and other users tell me if there's a problem. Then you and I work together to fix it.
Sometimes it's as easy as a button in the wrong place or no evident place to buy something. (I've seen some of the biggest brands out there making that last mistake). Other times it's a disconnect between your product/service and your branding/online presence. But whatever the problem, there's always a solution, so long as we know we're solving the actual problem.